Insumansumane Zika-Alice Lewis Carroll Author
by Lewis Carroll 2021-04-12 00:42:08
"Insumansumane zika-Alice" liqoqo lenganekwane eza­bhalwa nguCharles Lutwidge Dodgson ebhala engu­Lewis Carroll, okuligama elisetshenziswa emibhalweni yakhe. OkaDodgson wabhala inganekwane zakhe ezibhalela amantombazana amathathu ay... Read more
"Insumansumane zika-Alice" liqoqo lenganekwane eza­bhalwa nguCharles Lutwidge Dodgson ebhala engu­Lewis Carroll, okuligama elisetshenziswa emibhalweni yakhe. OkaDodgson wabhala inganekwane zakhe ezibhalela amantombazana amathathu ayizelamani, enye igama layo ingu-Alice. Lelo qoqo lenganekwane ladindwa okokuqala ngo-1865 anduba libe ngolunye lwengwalo zabantwana ezidume kakhulu emhlabeni wonke jikelele. Selatolikelwa endimini ezinengi kakhulu labuye lahlelwa ukuthi lidlalwe kumabonakude. Lolu gwalo olutolikelwe esiNdebeleni sase­Zimbabwe lungomunye wemizamo yokuqala yokuthi ugwalo lukaDodgson lutholakale endimini zesiNtu ngesikhathi kuthakazelwa ikhulu lamatshumi amahlanu eminyaka kusukela insumansumane zika-Alice zidindwa ngokokuqala olimini lwesiNgisi. --- "Insumansumane Zika-Alice" is the first translation of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" into the Ndebele language of Zimbabwe. Alice's tales were written by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, under his pen name Lewis Carroll for three little sisters, one of whom was named Alice. The tales were first published in 1865 and have become one of the leading classics in children's literature. They have been trans­lated into numerous languages and adapted for television. The present translation into Ndebele is one of the first efforts to have the text in African languages as part of the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the publication of the original text. Less
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  • Print pages
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  • ISBN
  • 5.50(w)x8.50(h)x0.37(d)
  • 162
  • Evertype
  • July 24, 2015
  • 9781782011132
The Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, better known by the pen name Lewis Carroll, was an English author, mathematician, logician, Anglican clergyman and photographer. His most famous writings are ...
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