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Take your Kindle Fire to its limits-and way beyond them
You already know how to download and read e-books on your Kindle Fire. Now, discover how to turn it into a personal music and video player, Web and e-mail device, Android-based app and gaming center, text messager, and remote work tool. Kindle Fire Geekery: 50 Insanely Cool Projects for Your Amazon Tablet teaches these power-user tricks and many more. You''ll see how to load non-Amazon media files, find free stuff, and stream your library from the cloud.
Get your geek on! Learn how to:
- Use your Kindle Fire as a portable music player
- Rip CDs and transfer audio from LP or cassette
- Watch movies and TV shows stored on your computer
- Stream your collection through Amazon''s Cloud Drive
- Load e-books from any format to your Kindle Fire
- Lock your Kindle Fire and tweak its operating system
- Install apps from sources other than Amazon''s Appstore
- Connect to WiFi networks, browse the Web, and use e-mail
- Keep your Kindle Fire and its Silk browser running smoothly
- Send text messages, share files, and edit Office documents