Authors | Emanuel Swedenborg
Emanuel Swedenborg
Emanuel Swedenborg (born Emanuel Swedberg; February 8, 1688–March 29, 1772) was a Swedish scientist, philosopher, Christian mystic, and theologian. Swedenborg had a prolific career as an inventor and scientist. At the age of fifty-six he entered in ... Read more

Books by Emanuel Swedenborg

Concerning The White Horse And Concerning The Word: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Doctrine of the Lord: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Doctrine of Sacred Scriptures: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Spiritual Life and the Word of God: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Les Quatre Doctrines De La Nouvelle Jérusalem...: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Du Commerce Établi Entre L'âme Et Le Corps...: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
L'apocalypse Expliquée Selon Le Sens Spirituel...: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Swedenborg Concordance Part 1: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Spiritual Diary of Emanuel Swedenborg Part 4: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Spiritual Diary of Emanuel Swedenborg Part 5: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The Shorter Works Of 1763: The Lord Sacred Scripture Life Faith Supplements: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Apocalypse Explained 1: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Apocalypse Explained 2: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Apocalypse Explained 3: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Journal of Dreams and Spiritual Experiences: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
A Treatise Concerning Heaven and hell Containing a Relation of many Wonderful Things Therein as he: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The Apocalypse explained according to the spiritual sense, in which the arcana therein predicted but: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The Worship And Love Of God: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
True Christian Religion 2: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The doctrine of the New Jerusalem concerning the Lord. Translated from the original Latin of the Hon. Emanuel Swedenborg. The four: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The Apocalypse Revealed: Wherein Are Disclosed The Arcana There Foretold, Which Have Heretofore Remained Concealed; Volume 2: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Quatuor Doctrinae...: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Gems from the Writings of Swedenborg: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Theological Works, Volume 3: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
A Treatise Concerning The Last Judgment: And The Destruction Of Babylon, Shewing That All The Predictions Contained In The Apocaly: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Arcana Celestia the Heavenly Archana: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The doctrine of life for the New Jerusalem, from the commandments of the Decalogue. Translated from the Latin of the Hon. Emanuel: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Indexes To The Apocalypse Revealed. I. Of Words, Names, And Things. Ii. Of The Memorable Relations. Iii. Of Passages Of Scripture.: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Doctrine Of The New Jerusalem Concerning The Sacred Scripture: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
De Nova Hiersosolyma Et Ejus Doctrina Caelesti Ex Auditis E Caelo: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg