Lady Windermere's Fan w/ Direct link technology (A Classic Drama Paly) Oscar Wilde Author
by Oscar Wilde
2021-04-02 18:58:29
Lady Windermere's Fan w/ Direct link technology (A Classic Drama Paly) Oscar Wilde Author
by Oscar Wilde
2021-04-02 18:58:29
I should be sorry to have to quarrel with you, Lord Darlington. I like you very much, you know that. But I shouldn't like you at all if I thought you were what most other men are. Believe me, you are better than most other men, and I sometimes think ...
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I should be sorry to have to quarrel with you, Lord Darlington. I like you very much, you know that. But I shouldn't like you at all if I thought you were what most other men are. Believe me, you are better than most other men, and I sometimes think you pretend to be worse.Who are the people the world takes seriously? All the dull people one can think of, from the Bishops down to the bores. I should like YOU to take me very seriously, Lady Windermere, YOU more than any one else in life.