Layout and Equipment of Playgrounds
by Various
2021-01-14 04:45:53
Layout and Equipment of Playgrounds
by Various
2021-01-14 04:45:53
Layout and Equipment of Playgrounds - 1921 - TABLE OF CONTENTS - Chapter Page I. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ............ 5 IN preparing this handbook on the layout and equipment of playgrounds, the Playground and Recreation Association of America has att...
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Layout and Equipment of Playgrounds - 1921 - TABLE OF CONTENTS - Chapter Page I. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ............ 5 IN preparing this handbook on the layout and equipment of playgrounds, the Playground and Recreation Association of America has attempted to bring together the information which has been issued in pamphlets and other publications, and to make it available for ready use in one hand- book. Stressing the subject of equipment in this manner in no way minimizes the importance of leadership. Apparatus does not comprise a playground without leadership, equipment is worse than useless. When properly used, however, it stimulates desirable motor activities, and provides channels for play which are exceedingly valuable. For this reason, it is worthy of careful consideration...........