Authors | Alexandre Dumas
Alexandre Dumas
Alexandre Dumas, père (French for "father", akin to Senior in English), born Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie, was a French writer, best known for his numerous historical novels of high adventure which have made him one of the most widely read French au ... Read more

Books by Alexandre Dumas

The Works Of Alexandre Dumas. The Vicomte De Bragelonne Part Two. Volume 4: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Théâtre Complet, Avec Préfaces Inédites: Théâtre Des Autres: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Ingénue, Or, The Death Of Marat: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
The Journal of Madame Giovanni: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Ricardo Darlington: Drama En Cuatro Actos: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Una notte a Firenze; ovvero, Lorenzino ed Alessandro de' Medici; dramma storico in cinque atti di A. Dumas padre: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Der Graf Von Monte Christo, Volume 2...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Le Speronare, Volume 3: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Le Chevalier De Maison-rouge, Volume 2: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Romances: The Forty-five: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
La Dame De Monsoreau, Volume 1...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Frankreich Und Europa Vor, Wõhrend Und Nach Dem 24. Februar: Eine Monatliche, Geschichtliche Und Politische Uebersicht Aller Ereig: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
La Jeunesse De Louis Xiv: Comédie En 5 Actes Et En Prose...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
La Condesa De Charny: Novela, Volume 2...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Halifax, Comédie Mêlée De Chant, En 3 Actes, Avec Un Prologue, Par Alexandre Dumas, Représentée, Pour La Première Fois, À Paris, S: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Les Demoiselles De Saint-cyr...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
L'évasion Du Duc De Beaufort...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Los Cuarenta Y Cinco...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Comtesse De Charny; Volume 3: by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
La Régence Et Louis Quinze...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Dieu Dispose, Volume 1...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Los Estuardos...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
The Count of Monte-Cristo; Volume 5: by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
Les Quarante-cinq...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Las Dos Dianas: - Vol. 2...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Celebrated Crimes; Volume 5: by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
Le Vicomte De Bragelonne, Ou Dix Ans Plus Tard: Complément Des Trois Mousquetaires Et De Vingt Ans Après, Volume 5...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Calígula: Drama En Cinco Actos Precedido De Un Prólogo...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Joseph Balsamo, Volume 1...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Oeuvres De Alex. Dumas, 10...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas