Authors | Alexandre Dumas
Alexandre Dumas
Alexandre Dumas, père (French for "father", akin to Senior in English), born Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie, was a French writer, best known for his numerous historical novels of high adventure which have made him one of the most widely read French au ... Read more

Books by Alexandre Dumas

Les romans sur l'Antiquité d'Alexandre Dumas Tome 2 La comtesse de Salisbury: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Chroniques de la régence: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Route de Varennes (La) [MP3]: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Un cas de conscience: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Maître d'armes (Le): by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Titien: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Vingt ANS Apres: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Comte de Monte Cristo: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Mille Et Un Fant Fem Au: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Olympia von Clèves (Historischer Liebesroman): by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Lady Hamilton: Memoiren einer Favoritin: Ein historischer Roman über Admiral Nelsons letzte Liebe: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
El Conde De Monte-cristo: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
The Company of Jehu; Volume 1: by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
The Company of Jehu; Volume 2: by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
The Count of Monte-Cristo; Volume 3: by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
El prisionero de la Bastilla: Fin de los mosqueteros : drama en seis cuadros: by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
The First Republic; or, The Whites and the Blues: by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
Le Chevalier d'Harmental, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint): by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Georges, or, The Isle of France: by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
Works; Volume 24: by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
Der Graf Von Bragelonne oder zehn Jahre nachher, Erstes und zweites Bändchen: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Jacques Ortis: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
My Memoirs; Volume 3: by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
Les Deux Reines, Volumes 1-2: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
The Last Vendée; or, The She-wolves of Machecoul: by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
by Alexandre 1802-1870 Dumas
Louis Xiv Et Son Siecle, 2...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Ange Pitou: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Les Drames de la mer: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Le chevalier de Maison-Rouge. Éd. illustrée par E. Lampsonius: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Los Cuarenta Y Cinco: Novela: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas