Authors | Molière
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, also known by his stage name, Molière, was a French playwright and actor who is considered one of the greatest masters of comedy in Western literature. Among Molière's best-known dramas are Le Misanthrope, (The Misanthrope), ... Read more

Books by Molière

Ouvres de Moliere. Nouvelle édition. of 7; Volume 1: by Molière
by Molière
L'école des Femmes Comédie. Par Monsieur de Moliere. = The School for Wives. A Comedy. From the French of Moliere: by Molière
by Molière
Sganarelle Or The Self-deceived Husband: by .. Moliere
by .. Moliere
The Bores: by .. Moliere
by .. Moliere
The Countess Of Escarbagnas: by .. Moliere
by .. Moliere
Continental Drama: Calderon, Corneille, Racine, Moliere, Lessing, Schiller: Part 26 Harvard Classics: by .. Moliere
by .. Moliere
Les Amants Magnifiques: Comedie Mêlée De Musique, & D'entrées Et De Ballet: by Molière
by Molière
Molière: Le Misanthrope ......: by MOLIERE
Le Misanthrope, Comedie En 5 Actes,: by MOLIERE
MEDECIN MALGRE LUI #17 -LE -NE: by Molière
by Molière
Oeuvres Completes de Moliere: Accompagnees de Notes Tirees de Tous Les Commentateurs: by MOLIERE
Le Depit Amoureux, Comedie En 2 Actes: by MOLIERE
Oeuvres de Moliere: Avec Les Notes de Tous Les Commentateurs. Tome 1: by MOLIERE
Oeuvres de Moliere: Avec Les Notes de Tous Les Commentateurs. Tome 2: by MOLIERE
Le Festin de Pierre, Ou L Athee Foudroye: Tragi-Comedie: by MOLIERE
Le Tartuffe; ou, L'imposteur, comédie en cinq actes: by 1622-1673 Molière
by 1622-1673 Molière
Ouvres De Molière, Volume 6: by . Molière
by . Molière
Le Molière De La Jeunesse: Ou, Recueil De Pieces Propres a Etre Representees Aux Distributions De Prix Par Les Eleves Des Mais: by . Molière
by . Molière
Ouvres, Volume 2: by . Molière
by . Molière
Ouvres De Molière, Volume 2: by Molière
by Molière
The Miser: A Comedy: by Molière
by Molière
Ouvres De Molière, Volume 4: by Molière
by Molière
Ouvres De Moliere: Avec Des Remarques Grammaticales, Des Avertissemens Et Des Observations Sur Chaque Piéce, Volume 1: by Molière
by Molière
Le Médecin Malgré Lui; Comédie. Edited with Arguments and nNtes in English: by Molière
by Molière
Les Femmes Savantes: Comédie /Par Molière, with Grammatical and Explanatory Notes by Antonin Roche: by Molière
by Molière
The works of Moliere, French and English. In ten volumes. ... Volume 1 of 10: by Molière
by Molière
The works of Moliere, French and English. In ten volumes. ... Volume 2 of 10: by Molière
by Molière
The works of Moliere, French and English. In ten volumes. ... Volume 3 of 10: by Molière
by Molière
The works of Moliere. In six volumes. ... A new translation. Volume 4 of 6: by Molière
by Molière
The works of Moliere. In six volumes. ... A new translation. Volume 5 of 6: by Molière
by Molière