Authors | Michel Foucault
Michel Foucault
Paul-Michel Doria Foucault (Oct 1926 – 25 June 1984) was a French philosopher, historian of ideas, writer, political activist, and literary critic. Foucault's theories primarily address the relationship between power and knowledge, and how they are ... Read more

Books by Michel Foucault

"Discourse and Truth" and "Parresia": by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
¿Qué es la crítica? seguido de La cultura de sí: Sorbona, 1978 / Berkeley, 1983: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
Los Anormales: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
Death and the Labyrinth: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
The Birth of the Clinic: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
The Order of Things: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
History of Madness: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
Archaeology of Knowledge: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
Wrong-doing, Truth-telling: The Function Of Avowal In Justice: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
The Hermeneutics of the Subject: Lectures At The Collège De France 1981--1982: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
About the Beginning of the Hermeneutics of the Self: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
Madness And Civilization: A History Of Insanity In The Age Of Reason: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
Discipline and Punish: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
Madness: The Invention of an Idea: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
Power/knowledge: Selected Interviews And Other Writings, 1972-1977: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
Security, Territory, Population: Lectures at the College de France 1977-1978: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
The Care of the Self: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
The Courage of Truth: The Government Of Self And Others Ii; Lectures At The Collège De France, 1983-1984: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
Lectures on the Will to Know: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1970--1971, and Oedipal Knowledge: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
ORDRE DU DISCOURS (L'): by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
HISTOIRE DE LA SEXUALITE T. 1: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
Sexualité: Cours donné à l'université de Clermon-Ferrand (1964), suivi de Le Discours de la sexualité: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
Oeuvres Michel Foucault tome 1: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
Oeuvres Michel Foucault tome 2: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
The History Of Sexuality, Vol. 2: The Use Of Pleasure: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
Speech Begins After Death: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
Language, Madness, And Desire: On Literature: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
I, Pierre Riviére, having slaughtered my mother, my sister, and my brother: A Case of Parricide in the 19th Century: by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault
ARCHÉOLOGIE DU SAVOIR (L'): by Michel Foucault
by Michel Foucault