Authors | Washington Irving
Washington Irving
Washington Irving was an American author, essayist, biographer and historian of the early 19th century. He began his literary career at the age of nineteen by writing newspaper articles under the pseudonym Jonathan Oldstyle. In 1809, he published ... Read more

Books by Washington Irving

The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, Volume 1: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Works of Washington Irving, Volume 14: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
G.P.Putnam: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Works of Washington Irving, Volume 38: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Knickerbocker's History of New York, Volume 1: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Angler: by Washington 1783-1859 Irving
by Washington 1783-1859 Irving
Travels in Missouri and the South ..: by Washington 1783-1859 Irving
by Washington 1783-1859 Irving
The Journals of Washington Irving (hitherto Unpublished); Volume 3: by Washington 1783-1859 Irving
by Washington 1783-1859 Irving
Polly in New York: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
A Knickerbocker's History Of New York: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Chump Change Edition): by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Stories from the Sketch Book: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Rip Van Winkle, and Other Stories (with an Introduction by Charles Addison Dawson): by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Washington Irving's Works: Astoria: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Sketch Book Of Geoffrey Crayon, Gentn: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Works of Washington Irving, Volume 27: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Works of Washington Irving, Volume 6: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Works of Washington Irving: Granada: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Works Of Washington Irving...: The Alhambra. Bracebridge Hall: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Works of Washington Irving, Volume 39: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Works Of Washington Irving: Mahomet And His Successors: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Sixty Year Dream: Mandarin Companion Graded Readers Level 1, Traditional Character Edition: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Histoire de New York: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Life Of George Washington (volume I): by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Tales of a Traveller, by Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.; Volume I: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Notes and Journal of Travel in Europe, 1804-1805, Volume III: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Alhambra.: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Salmagundi: Or, The Whim-whams And Opinions Of Launcelot Langstaff, Esq. And Others: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving