Little Women [Large Print Unabridged Edition]: The Complete & Unabridged Classic Edition Louisa May Alcott Author
by Louisa May Alcott 2021-04-11 15:02:57
With a large 7.44x9.69 page size and the complete text of both parts of this beloved classic, this unabridged large print edition is printed on heavyweight bright white paper with a fully laminated cover with an original full color design. Page heade... Read more
With a large 7.44x9.69 page size and the complete text of both parts of this beloved classic, this unabridged large print edition is printed on heavyweight bright white paper with a fully laminated cover with an original full color design. Page headers and modern design and page layout are among the details characterizing this premium quality volume. Additional content featured in this edition includes a detailed author biography, a detailed bibliography of Alcott's work -- both the well-known works and the little-known potboiler stories originally published anonymously or under pen names -- and footnote annotations, added sparingly, to aid the modern reader with particularly unusual or antiquated words or phrases. Since its publication Little Women has been a perennial favorite. Based on her experiences growing up with her sisters, Louisa May Alcott's tale was originally published as two separate short novels, Little Women, or Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy in 1868 and Good Wives in 1869. This new large print edition, prepared by human editors and not a machine-scanned process, follows the traditional practice of including those two works as Part One and Part Two in a single volume titled Little Women. Part One is an account of the childhood of the fictional March sisters, while Part Two follows them into their respective marriages. While based to some extent on her own experiences and family, the book is not strictly autobiographical. The heroine, Jo, for example is based on Alcott herself, but Alcott never married and the school eventually run by Jo and her husband is most likely based on her father's ultimately unsuccessful school. Born in 1832 in Germantown Pennsylvania, Alcott's parents were members of the Transcendentalist movement. The family was generally on the brink of poverty, as her father founded a school that failed and them moved his family to a utopian commune which also failed. Other Transcendentalists, including Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau and Nathaniel Hawthorne were visitors in the Alcott home. Louisa's first book, Flower Fables, was a collection of stories originally written for Emerson's daughter Ellen, and Emerson provided finacial assistance for the purchase, in 1845, of what became the family's home and the setting for many of her stories. In 1860 Alcott began writing for the Atlantic Monthly, and her brief experience as a nurse in a Civil War hospital formed the basis for Hospital Sketches, published in 1863 and bringing her critical recognition. After a series of sensationalist books and stories written under the name A. M. Barnard in the mid-1860's, Alcott turned her attention to writing for children and rarely wrote adult-oriented fiction thereafter. An aboltionist and a feminist, Louisa May Alcott was the first woman to register to vote in Concord Massachusetts. In her later years Alcott suffered recurring health problems, possibly as a result of lupus or an autoimmune disease. She died after suffering a stroke on March 6, 1888. Little Men, the sequel to Little Women, is also available in a handsome large print companion volume. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • 7.40(w)x9.20(h)x1.30(d)
  • 594
  • CreateSpace Publishing
  • March 23, 2015
  • 9781500844110
Louisa May Alcott was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania on November 29, 1832. She and her three sisters, Anna, Elizabeth and May were educated by their father, philosopher/ teacher, Bronson Alcott and ...
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