Man Who F#&%ed Up Time
by John Layman 2021-06-06 01:52:43
TIME IS NOT ON HIS SIDE.Sean Bennett is just your everyday, ordinary lab worker in a high-tech lab with a prototype time machine. And, yeah, he''s got the same temptations any of us would have about going back in time, just a bit, to correct mistakes... Read more

Sean Bennett is just your everyday, ordinary lab worker in a high-tech lab with a prototype time machine. And, yeah, he''s got the same temptations any of us would have about going back in time, just a bit, to correct mistakes of the past and right old wrongs. So when he meets a version of himself from the future who encourages him to do just that, Sean takes the temporal plunge. Only ... can you guess what happens next? Did you read the book title? Yup. All of TIME is f#&%ed up now, and it''s up to Sean to correct it - or else!

Presenting a time-twisted sci-fi action-comedy, a butterfly effect noir, by multiple Eisner-winning writer John Layman (Chew, Outer Darkness, ELEANOR & THE EGRET) and talented newcomer Karl Mostert. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781949028454
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