Peterson's Master the GED: Science Review offers readers an in-depth review of the subject matter for the GED Science test. Readers who need additional practice for the Science Test, will benefit greatly from the lessons and practice questions on:
Science and the Scientific Method
Life science biology (cellular biology, cell structure, cell membrane and transport, metabolism, photosynthesis and cellular respiration, DNA and protein synthesis, mitosis and meiosis, bacteria, viruses, and more)
Earth and space science (Earth's formation, history, and composition; global change-plate tectonics and land forms; natural resources; meteorology; astronomy; and more)
Chemistry (properties and physical states of matter; elements and compounds; mixtures, solutions, and solubility; acids, bases, and the pH scale; and more)
Physics (motion: velocity, mass, and momentum; inertial, force, and the laws of motion; heat and thermodynamics; simple machines, and more)
Looking for extra science help? Throughout this review, you'll see easy-to-use links to, an innovative Web site where you will find interactive subject help via high-quality multimedia lessons and course content. HippoCampus is a project of the Monterey Institute for Technology and Education (MITE), supported by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and designed as part of Open Education Resources (OER).
Master the GED: Science Review is part of Master the GED 2011, which offers readers 3 full-length practice tests and in-depth subject review for each of the GED tests-Language Arts, Writing (Parts I and II); Language Arts, Reading; Social Studies (including Canadian history and government); Science; and Mathematics (Parts I and II)-as well as top test-taking tips to score high on the GED.