Peterson''s Master the U.S. Border Patrol Exam will prepare you for the written exam by:
All of this is offered in a user-friendly format.
Peterson''s guide will provide you with the help you need to navigate the Border Patrol screening process successfully and score high on the U.S. Border Patrol Exam.
In Section I, the duties and required attributes of a Border Patrol Agent are outlined so you can be knowledgeable before you start the application process.
Details include:
Section II previews the written exam and provides a Diagnostic Test that will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses within the test areas.
Review of three test sections -
Section III reviews the types of questions asked on the test so you will be familiar with them.
Section IV includes two complete practice tests to review your skills and time yourself for best performance on test day.
If you are seeking a career as a Border Patrol Agent, Peterson''s Master the U.S. Border Patrol Exam is a valuable resource to score high on the exam.