Midnight Feasts: Two Hundred & Two Salads and Chafing-Dish Recipes
by May Southworth
2021-01-14 03:17:09
Midnight Feasts: Two Hundred & Two Salads and Chafing-Dish Recipes
by May Southworth
2021-01-14 03:17:09
May Southworth''s 1914 "Midnight Feasts" is designed to provide recipes to accompany the light-hearted fun and laughter of a midnight supper. The recipes for salads and chafing-dish allow hosts to provide their guests with satisfying food with a mini...
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May Southworth''s 1914 "Midnight Feasts" is designed to provide recipes to accompany the light-hearted fun and laughter of a midnight supper. The recipes for salads and chafing-dish allow hosts to provide their guests with satisfying food with a minimum of effort.