New Oxford Rhyming Dictionary
by Oxford
2020-11-24 23:27:21
New Oxford Rhyming Dictionary
by Oxford
2020-11-24 23:27:21
From writing poems to writing birthday cards, and from composing advertising slogans to music lyrics, the New Oxford Rhyming Dictionary has what every writer (or budding writer) needs. It contains rhymes for over 45,000 words, including proper names,...
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From writing poems to writing birthday cards, and from composing advertising slogans to music lyrics, the New Oxford Rhyming Dictionary has what every writer (or budding writer) needs. It contains rhymes for over 45,000 words, including proper names, place names, and foreign terms used inEnglish.The clear organization and layout make it easy to find the rhymes you are looking for. Words are grouped usefully by sound and there is also a complete A-Z index to help you quickly navigate to the relevant section. In-text notes offer tips on using rhymes effectively, make suggestions for expandingthe rhyming lists included in the book, and give examples of how poets past and present have used rhyme.The fascinating introduction by Professor John Lennard offers a brief outline of rhyming in its literary and historical contexts, and gives further advice on creative writing. This new edition is fully up to date and includes over 200 words added to the Oxford Dictionary of English since thepublication of the last edition, including iPod, Americano, and vuvuzela. The New Oxford Rhyming Dictionary is a must-have tool for poets, lyricists, and writers of all kinds, as well as a delight for everyone who likes to play with words.