Authors | Hester Lynch Piozzi
Hester Lynch Piozzi
Hester Lynch Piozzi, née Salusbury, also called (1763–84) Harriet Lynch Thrale, byname Mrs. Thrale, (born Jan. 27, 1740, Bodvel, Carnarvonshire, Wales—died May 2, 1821, Clifton, Bristol, Eng.), English writer and friend of Samuel Johnson. In ... Read more

Books by Hester Lynch Piozzi

Observations and Reflections Made in the Course of a Journey Through France, Italy, and Germany, Vol. I: By Hester Lynch Piozzi
By Hester Lynch Piozzi
Autobiography, Letters and Literary Remains of Mrs Piozzi (Thrale): With Notes and an Introductory Account of her Life and Writing: by Hester Lynch Piozzi
by Hester Lynch Piozzi
Dr. Johnson's Mrs. Thrale; Autobiography, Letters And Literary Remains Of Mrs. Piozzi;: by Hester Lynch Piozzi
by Hester Lynch Piozzi
Bemerkungen Auf Der Reise Durch Frankreich, Italien, Volume 2: by Hester Lynch Piozzi
by Hester Lynch Piozzi
Three warnings to John Bull before he dies. By an old acquaintance of the public.: by Hester Lynch Piozzi
by Hester Lynch Piozzi
The Intimate Letters Of Hester Piozzi And Penelope Pennington, 1788-1821: by Hester Lynch Piozzi
by Hester Lynch Piozzi
Anecdotes Of The Late Samuel Johnson During The Last Twenty Years Of His Life: by Hester Lynch Piozzi
by Hester Lynch Piozzi
Love Letters Of Mrs. Piozzi, Written When She Was Eighty, To William Augustus Conway ..: by Hester Lynch Piozzi
by Hester Lynch Piozzi
British Synonymy, Or, an Attempt at Regulating the Choice of Words in Familiar Conversation, Volume 1: by Hester Lynch Piozzi
by Hester Lynch Piozzi
British Synonymy: Or, an Attempt at Regulating the Choice of Words in Familiar Conversation, Volumes 1-2: by Hester Lynch Piozzi
by Hester Lynch Piozzi
Anecdotes of the Late Samuel Johnson, Ll.D.: During the Last Twenty Years of His Life: by Hester Lynch Piozzi
by Hester Lynch Piozzi
British Synonymy; or, an Attempt at Regulating the Choice of Words in Familiar Conversation. ... By Hester Lynch Piozzi. ... of 2;: by Hester Lynch Piozzi
by Hester Lynch Piozzi
Observations And Reflections Made In The Course Of A Journey Through France, Italy, And Germany.: by Hester Lynch Piozzi
by Hester Lynch Piozzi
Johnsoniana. Anecdotes Of The Late Samuel Johnson, Ll.d.: by Hester Lynch Piozzi
by Hester Lynch Piozzi
Glimpses Of Italian Society In The Eighteenth Century: by Hester Lynch Piozzi
by Hester Lynch Piozzi
British Synonymy; or, an Attempt at Regulating the Choice of Words in Familiar Conversation. Inscribed, ... to ... her Foreign Fri: by Hester Lynch Piozzi
by Hester Lynch Piozzi
British Synonymy: Or, An Attempt At Regulating The Choice Of Words In Familiar Conversation, Volume 2: by Hester Lynch Piozzi
by Hester Lynch Piozzi
Anecdotes of Samuel Johnson, LL. D: by Hester Lynch 1741-1821 Piozzi
by Hester Lynch 1741-1821 Piozzi
Retrospection; or, A Review of the Most Striking and Important Events, Characters, Situations, and Their Consequences, Which the L: by Hester Lynch 1741-1821 Piozzi
by Hester Lynch 1741-1821 Piozzi
Piozziana: Or, Recollections of the Late Mrs Piozzi: by Hester Lynch Piozzi
by Hester Lynch Piozzi