Authors | Homer
Born Greece Genre: Poetry, Mythology In the Western classical tradition, Homer (Greek: Όμηρος) is considered the author of The Iliad and The Odyssey, and is revered as the greatest of ancient Greek epic poets. These epics lie at the beginn ... Read more

Books by Homer

Hymnus Auf Aphrodite In Metrischer Deutscher Übersetzung Mit Dem Urtexte... - Primary Source Edition: by Homer
by Homer
Odyssey, Books I-XII - Scholar's Choice Edition: by Homer
by Homer
Odyssey, Books 1-12: by Homer
by Homer
Exegetical Analysis with Notes on Epistles: by .. Homer
by .. Homer
The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury, Volume 8: by Homer
by Homer
Homeric Ballads: by Homer
by Homer
Volgarizzamento in Prosa Dell' Odissea Di Omero Per Cornelia Sale-Mocenigo-Codemo: by Homer
by Homer
L'odysée D'homere; Volume 3: by Homer
by Homer
The Wrath of Achilleus: by Homer
by Homer
The Twenty-Second Book of the Lliad With Critical Notes by Alex. Pallis: by Homer
by Homer
The Minor Poems of Homer: The Battle of the Frogs and Mice ; Hymns and Epigrams: by Homer
by Homer
Highways to Happiness: by .. Homer
by .. Homer
Chapman's Homeric Hymns And Other Homerica: by Homer
by Homer
Die Homerischen Hymnen: by Homer
by Homer
Homerou Ilias. = Homeri Ilias, Id Est, de Rebus Ad Trojam Gestis.: by Homer
by Homer
Homers Werke, Volume 1: by . Homer
by . Homer
Homeroy Ilias: by . Homer
by . Homer
L'odyssée D'hemèro, Tr. En François, Avec Des Remarques, Volume 1: by . Homer
by . Homer
Homeri Odyssea, Erstes Heft: by Homer
by Homer
He tou Homerou Ilias. Homeri Ilias. Interpretatio Latina adjecta est, ex editione S. Clarke. ... Volume 1 of 2: by Homer
by Homer
L'odyssée D'homère: by Homer
by Homer
Homeri Carmina Cvm Brevi Annotatione, Volumes 8-9: by Homer
by Homer
Homeri Ilias, Volumes 1-2: by Homer
by Homer
Homeri Ilias: Ex Veterum Criticorum Notationibus Optimorumque Exemplarium Fide, Novis Curis Recensita in Usum Sch: by Homer
by Homer
Ilias, Parts 7-12...: by Homer
by Homer
The Odyssey Of Homer. Translated From The Greek, By Alexander Pope, Esq; In Four Volumes. ... Volume 1 Of 4: by Homer
by Homer
The Odyssey Of Homer. Translated From The Greek, By Alexander Pope, Esq; In Four Volumes. ... Volume 2 Of 4: by Homer
by Homer
Homeri Ilias, Gr]ce Et Latine. Annotationes in Usum Serenissimi Principis Gulielmi Augusti, Ducis de Cumberland, &C. Regio Jussu S: by Homer
by Homer
The Odyssey Of Homer, Books 1-12...: by Homer
by Homer
Homère, Volume 1: by Homer
by Homer