Authors | Alexandre Dumas
Alexandre Dumas
Alexandre Dumas, père (French for "father", akin to Senior in English), born Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie, was a French writer, best known for his numerous historical novels of high adventure which have made him one of the most widely read French au ... Read more

Books by Alexandre Dumas

Les Deux Reines, Suite Et Fin Des Mémoires De Mlle De Luynes, Volume 2: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Olympe De Clèves, Volume 1: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Vingt Ans Après, Volume 1: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
The Snow On Shah-dagh And Ammalat Bey, Posthumous Romances: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
The Countesse De Salisbury: A Chronicle Of The Order Of The Garter: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
La Hija Del Regente: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Voyage En Orient: Quinze Jours Au Sinaï: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
La Princesse Georges; Pièce En Trois Actes Par Alexandre Dumas Fils: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Primary Sources, Historical Collections: Celebrated Crimes Of The Russian Court, With A Foreword By T. S. Wentworth: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Romances, Volume 24: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Die Drei Musketiere: Neueste Romane. Von Artagnan, Oder Zwanzig Jahre Nachher ...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Les Médicis...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
La Muger De Un Jugador...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
La Cuestión Del Divorcio...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Le Comte De Monte-cristo, Volume 4...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Impresiones de Viage[sic].: El Capitan Arena, Volume 3...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
L'enlèvement Du Général Monck, Épisode Tiré Du Vicomte De Bragelonne, Ed. By A.w. Tressler...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
The Count Of Monte Cristo: Or, The Adventures Of Edmond DantThs, Volume 17...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Romances Of Alexandre Dumas: D'artagnan Ed, Volume 44...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Romances, Volume 19...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Romances, Volume 9...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Romances, Volume 26...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Les Demoiselles De Saint-cyr: Comédie En Cinq Actes...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Romances, Volume 1...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
The Romances Of Alexandre Dumas: The Regent's Daughter...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
The Romances Of Dumas, Volume 23...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
The Romances Of Dumas, Volume 30...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
L' Île De Feu: Roman Fantastique Par Alexandre Dumas, Volume 2...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Demi-monde: Comedia En Cinco Actos Y En Prosa...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
The Romances Of Alexandre Dumas: The Two Dianas...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas