Our Triune God: Living in the Love of the Three-in-One
by Philip Graham Ryken 2021-01-16 15:43:00
For many of us, the idea of the Trinity feels nebulous and abstract-or even worse, irrelevant. While we may believe this doctrine, we remain strangely disconnected from the reality that God is indeed tri-personal. Yet, Philip Ryken and Michael LeFebv... Read more

For many of us, the idea of the Trinity feels nebulous and abstract-or even worse, irrelevant. While we may believe this doctrine, we remain strangely disconnected from the reality that God is indeed tri-personal. Yet, Philip Ryken and Michael LeFebvre argue that a deeper knowledge of the Trinity is of the utmost importance for everyday life.

Explaining roles and relationships within the Godhead while tackling difficult questions, Our Triune God offers a helpful guide into the paradoxical mystery of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit-the God of three-in-one.

  • ISBN
  • 9781433519871
Philip Graham Ryken (PhD, University of Oxford) is the 8th president of Wheaton College and, prior to that, served as senior minister at Philadelphia’s historic Tenth Presbyterian Church. He has wri...
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