Authors | Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis (born October 15, 1960) is an American financial journalist and author of many New York Times bestselling books on various subjects. His most recent work is The Premonition: A Pandemic Story (2021). He has also been a contributing edito ... Read more

Books by Michael Lewis

The Uncommon Child: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Lying And Deception In Everyday Life: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Rioters And Citizens: Mass Protest In Imperial Japan: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Losers: The Road To Everyplace But The White House: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
The Coming Of Southern Prohibition: The Dispensary System And The Battle Over Liquor In South Carolina, 1907-1915: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Heidegger and the Place of Ethics: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Impératif transition: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
The Premonition: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Deshaciendo errores / The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Minds: Kahneman, Tversky y la amistad que cambi el mundo (Spanish Edition): by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Developmental Disabilities: Theory, Assessment, and Intervention: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Becoming Apart: National Power and Local Politics in Toyama, 1868-1945: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Random Commuter Observations (RCOs): Living the Dream on the Way to Work: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Medieval Europe: Power and Splendour: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Europe médiévale: Pouvoir et héritage: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Prohibition's Greatest Myths: The Distilled Truth About America's Anti-alcohol Crusade: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis