Authors | Molière
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, also known by his stage name, Molière, was a French playwright and actor who is considered one of the greatest masters of comedy in Western literature. Among Molière's best-known dramas are Le Misanthrope, (The Misanthrope), ... Read more

Books by Molière

Oeuvres De Molière: Volume 6...: by Molière
by Molière
Oeuvres De Molière, Avec Les Notes De Tous Les Commentateurs, Volume 6...: by Molière
by Molière
The Works Of Moliere, French And English: In Ten Volumes, Volume 3...: by Molière
by Molière
Oeuvres, Volumes 1-2...: by Molière
by Molière
Sämtliche Werke, Volume 2...: by Molière
by Molière
Die Männerschule: Ein Lustspiel In Drey Aufzügen...: by Molière
by Molière
Oeuvres Complètes, Volume 6...: by Molière
by Molière
L'école Des Femmes: Comédie...: by Molière
by Molière
L'école Des Femmes: Comédie En Cinq Actes Et En Vers...: by Molière
by Molière
Les Oeuvres, Volume 2...: by Molière
by Molière
Le Misanthrope: Les Femmes Savantes, Volume 2...: by Molière
by Molière
Oeuvres De J. B. Poquelin De Moliere: L'amour Médecin, Comedie-ballet En Trois Actes. Le Misanthrope. Le Medecin Malgre Lui. Melic: by Molière
by Molière
L' Étourdi, Ou Les Contre-tems: Comédie...: by Molière
by Molière
Molière's Le Tartuffe...: by Molière
by Molière
Les Précieuses Ridicules: Comédie...: by Molière
by Molière
Tartuffe: Les Précieuses Ridicules, George Dandin...: by Molière
by Molière
Der Eingebildete Kranke: Lustspiel...: by Molière
by Molière
Doctor Love: A Comedy In Three Acts: by Molière
by Molière
Het Gedwongene Huuwelyk: Blyspel In Vaerzen Aan Bezondre Maat, Noch Rym Gelanden: by Molière
by Molière
Molière in Outline: Being a Translation of All Important Parts of Molière's Works, With Introductions and Notes, Histor: by Molière
by Molière
The Works: In Five Volumes, Volume 2: by Molière
by Molière
Comödien ..: by 1622-1673 Molière
by 1622-1673 Molière
The Works of Molière; Volume 5: by 1622-1673 Molière
by 1622-1673 Molière
Oeuvres complètes de J.-B. Poquelin Molière; Tome 02: by 1622-1673 Molière
by 1622-1673 Molière
Les Fourberies De Scapin...: by Molière
by Molière
Oeuvres de Molière. Précédées d'une notice sur sa vie et ses ouvrages par Sainte Beuve. Vignettes par Tony Johannot: by 1622-1673 Molière
by 1622-1673 Molière
Plays, by Moliere. The Man-hater, The School for Husbands, The School for Wives, Love is the Best Doctor, and The Hypocondriac: by Molière
by Molière
L'école des Maris. Comédie. Par Monsieur de Moliere. = The School for Husbands. A Comedy. From the French of Moliere: by Molière
by Molière
Amphitryon: by .. Moliere
by .. Moliere
The Works of Moliere. In Five Volumes. of 5; Volume 3: by Molière
by Molière