Parenting Throughout Divorce: Learn How To Cope With Children And Divorce While Successfully Shifting Your Children Into A New Family Structure And Ma
by KMS Publishing 2021-04-07 07:00:17
No matter the prevalence of divorce worldwide, the fact cannot be dismissed that going through the break-up process and all throughout the years after it will truly be a difficult, complicated and intense time for both the children and parents. Altho... Read more
No matter the prevalence of divorce worldwide, the fact cannot be dismissed that going through the break-up process and all throughout the years after it will truly be a difficult, complicated and intense time for both the children and parents. Although divorce nulls the couple as husband and wife, it can never invalidate their role as parents to their children. This is why it is so important that parents maintain quality relationships throughout divorce, even if it is no more than just for the sake of the children.This manual is your guidebook for successfully shifting your children into a new family structure. To maintain quality parenting all throughout divorce is the main focus of this book. In particular, you will discover the following:* Find out the effects of divorce on children so you can handle relationships with care all through this transition.* Learn tried and tested parenting styles which you can follow to keep up effective parenting roles.* Understand various children reactions and warning signs related to the divorce so you can help them cope.* Study very useful communication guidelines so you can effectively and concisely talk to your children about the divorce and the new family structure.* Gain knowledge of planning tools to prepare yourself and your children for possible complicated situations.Don't let divorce set you and your children back. You can effectively raise your children despite the marital break-up. You can continue to live a great family life during and after it. Make the transition into a new life as easy as possible for you and your children. Less
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • KMS Publishing
  • January 25, 2011
  • 2940012152589
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