Pausanias, the Spartan: The Haunted and the Haunters
Pausanias, the Spartan: The Haunted and the Haunters
By Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton
4 Jul, 2020
It is fully fifteen, if not twenty, years since my father commenced the composition of a historical romance on the subject of Pausanias, the Spartan Regent. Circumstances, which need not here be recorded, compelled him to lay aside the work thus begu
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It is fully fifteen, if not twenty, years since my father commenced the composition of a historical romance on the subject of Pausanias, the Spartan Regent. Circumstances, which need not here be recorded, compelled him to lay aside the work thus begun. But the subject continued to haunt his imagination and occupy his thoughts. He detected in it singular opportunities for effective exercise of the gifts most peculiar to his genius; and repeatedly, in the intervals of other literary labor, he returned to the task which, though again and again interrupted, was never abandoned....... Less