Authors | Rudyard Kipling
Rudyard Kipling
Joseph Rudyard Kipling was a journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist. Kipling's works of fiction include The Jungle Book (1894), Kim (1901), and many short stories, including The Man Who Would Be King (1888). His poems include Mandalay ... Read more

Books by Rudyard Kipling

Works. [seven Seas Ed.], Volume 18...: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
The Writings In Prose And Verse: In Black And White: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
The Seven Seas - Scholar's Choice Edition: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
Rewards and Fairies. With Illus. by Frank Craig - Scholar's Choice Edition: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
The Day's Work: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
Verses, 1889-1896 Volume 11: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
Ballads and Barrack-room Ballads: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
Abaft the Funnel: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
Works: From Sea To Sea: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
The Writings In Prose And Verse Of Rudyard Kipling, Volume 26: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
The Writings in Prose and Verse of Rudyard Kipling Volume 27: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
The Writings in Prose and Verse of Rudyard Kipling .. Volume 15: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
Miscellanies: Stories and Essays, Volume 2: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
Works: The Light That Failed: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
Under the Deodars: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
Wee Willie Winkie and American Notes: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
The Five Nations: by Rudyard 1865-1936 Kipling
by Rudyard 1865-1936 Kipling
The Man Who Would Be King: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
The Dead King - Illustrated by W. Heath Robinson: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
A Song of the English - Illustrated by W. Heath Robinson: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
Just So Stories: including 'The Tabu Tale' and 'Ham and the Porcupine' & original illustrations by Rudyard Kipling (: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
The Jungle Book: The Original Illustrated 1894 Edition: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
Livre de la jungle (Le): by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
Plain Tales from the Hills: 40+ Short Stories Collection (The Tales of Life in British India): In the Pride of His Youth, Tods': by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
Complete Novels of Rudyard Kipling: The Light That Failed + Kim + Stalky & Co. + Captain Courageous - A Story of the Grand Banks +: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
Just So Stories (Puffin Classics): by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
Recessional: by Rudyard 1865-1936 Kipling
by Rudyard 1865-1936 Kipling
How the Camel Got His Hump: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling
The Jungle Book: Manga Classics: by Rudyard Kipling
by Rudyard Kipling