Pimp Game 204 The IZM Pimp Game Wisdom Tj Clemons Author
2024-02-26 03:51:37
The IZM is the study, science, and mathematics of pimping.It basically governs the pimp philosophy and the pimp commandments.The Pimping is in you, not on you. You can't wear it like a t shirt.You represent me everywhere that you go and with every mo... Read more
The IZM is the study, science, and mathematics of pimping.It basically governs the pimp philosophy and the pimp commandments.The Pimping is in you, not on you. You can't wear it like a t shirt.You represent me everywhere that you go and with every move thatyou make on this chess board called the streets. So, don't disappointme or there will be consequences and repercussions for your actions.I put this game plan together. Now execute it like my queen andpartner in crime. The universe and the world belong to us foreverbecause we are married to this game together until death do us part. Less
  • ISBN
  • 2940160724898
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