Pork Production and Preparation - A Collection of Articles on Curing, Cuts, Slaughtering and Other Aspects of Meat Production from
by Various
2021-01-05 03:27:49
Pork Production and Preparation - A Collection of Articles on Curing, Cuts, Slaughtering and Other Aspects of Meat Production from
by Various
2021-01-05 03:27:49
This vintage book contains a collection of articles pertaining to the production of pork, with information on curing, cuts, slaughtering, and many other aspects. These timeless articles contain a wealth of useful and interesting information, and are ...
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This vintage book contains a collection of articles pertaining to the production of pork, with information on curing, cuts, slaughtering, and many other aspects. These timeless articles contain a wealth of useful and interesting information, and are highly recommended for anyone occupied in the production of pork. Contents include: "A Manual on the Hog", "Biggle Swine Book - Much Old and More New Hog Knowledge, Arranged in Alternate Streaks of Fat and Lean", "Cashing in on Pork - A Modern Merchandising", "Costs and Efficiency of Pig Production", "Hogs", "Home Pork Production", et cetera. Many vintage books such as this are becoming increasingly rare and expensive. We are republishing this vintage book now in an affordable, modern, high-quality edition complete with a specially commissioned new introduction on pigeons.