The latest evidence-based guidelines to prepare you for FNP practice!Practice Guidelines for Family Nurse Practitioners, 5th Edition provides essential, information on the latest national and international guidelines and evidence-based protocols for primary care patients of all ages. Key details are easy to find with the book''s concise, outline-style guidelines and abundant summary tables and charts. Content highlights now include the use of bold type for "not-to-be-missed" content, bold italic type for non-urgent/non-emergent interprofessional referrals, and bold italic type plus an eye-catching icon for urgent/emergent interprofessional referrals. In addition to coverage of the most common conditions seen in outpatient settings, this edition includes the latest information on topics such as jaundice, fever of unknown origin, and unexpected weight loss. Plus, the popularPractice Pearlsboxes have been expanded throughout the book.