Authors | Nicholas Irving
Nicholas Irving
NICHOLAS IRVING is the New York Times bestselling author of The Reaper and Way of the Reaper. He’s spent six years in the Army’s Special Operations 3rd Ranger Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment, serving from assaulter to Sniper Team leader. He was th ... Read more

Books by Nicholas Irving

Reaper: Drone Strike: A Sniper Novel: by Nicholas Irving
by Nicholas Irving
Way Of The Reaper: My Greatest Untold Missions And The Art Of Being A Sniper: by Nicholas Irving
by Nicholas Irving
Reaper: Ghost Target: A Sniper Novel: by Nicholas Irving
by Nicholas Irving
Sie nannten mich den Auslöscher: Die Autobiografie eines der besten Scharfschützen der US-Armee Nicholas Irving Author: by Nicholas Irving
by Nicholas Irving