Rick Dale, A Story of the Northwest Coast
By Kirk Munroe 19 Oct, 2020
Alaric Dale Todd was his name, and it was a great grief to him to be called "Allie." Allie Todd was so insignificant and sounded so weak. Besides, Allie was a regular girl's name, as he had been so often told, and expected to be told by each stranger ... Read more
Alaric Dale Todd was his name, and it was a great grief to him to be called "Allie." Allie Todd was so insignificant and sounded so weak. Besides, Allie was a regular girl's name, as he had been so often told, and expected to be told by each stranger who heard it for the first time. There is so much in a name, after all. We either strive to live up to it, or else it exerts a constant disheartening pull backward. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 888.693 KB
  • 242
  • Public Domain Book
  • English
  • 978-1512251616
Kirk Munroe (September 15, 1850 – June 16, 1930) was an American writer and conservationist. Born Charles Kirk Munroe in a log cab near Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, Munroe was the son of Charles and...
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