Rollo at Work Jacob Abbott Author
by Jacob Abbott
2021-04-12 00:11:05
Rollo at Work Jacob Abbott Author
by Jacob Abbott
2021-04-12 00:11:05
Book Excerpt : ...t he now selected very large, they did not pack well, but lay up in every direction, so as apparently to fill up the basket quite full, when, in fact, there were great empty spaces in it; and when he took it up to carry it, it f...
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Book Excerpt : ...t he now selected very large, they did not pack well, but lay up in every direction, so as apparently to fill up the basket quite full, when, in fact, there were great empty spaces in it; and when he took it up to carry it, it felt very light, because it was in great part empty.He ran along with it, forgetting Jonas's advice not to hurry, and thinking that the reason why it seemed so light was because he was so strong. When he got to the coal-bin, the chips would not come out easily. They were so large that they had got wedged between the sides of the basket, and he had hard work to get them out.This fretted him, and cooled his ardor somewhat; he walked back rather slowly, and began again to fill his basket.A New Plan.Before he had got many chips in it, however, he happened to think that the wheelbarrow would be a better thing to get them in with. They would not stick in that as they did in the basket. Men always use a wheelbarrow, he said to himself, and why should not...