Rollo's Experiments Jacob Abbott Author
by Jacob Abbott 2021-04-06 18:12:26
Jonas and I will try it, said Rollo.I can try it in the house, said Lucy, where the sun shines in at my chamberwindow.O no, said Rollo; that won't do.Why not? said Lucy.Because the window does not come down to the floor, and so does not let thesun in... Read more
Jonas and I will try it, said Rollo.I can try it in the house, said Lucy, where the sun shines in at my chamberwindow.O no, said Rollo; that won't do.Why not? said Lucy.Because the window does not come down to the floor, and so does not let thesun in enough.O, that makes no difference, said Lucy; we have nothing to do with the bottomof the door; you only mark where it shines in the farthest, and that place is made bythe top of the door, for it shines in farthest by the top of the door.Well, said Rollo, I don't know but that the house will do; but then you can'tchalk on the carpet.Chalk on the carpet? said Lucy.Yes, to mark the place.No, said Lucy, thinking; but I can mark it some other way.How? asked Rollo.Why, I can put a pin in, said Lucy.6O dear, said Rollo, with a laugh, put a pin in! That's no way to mark a shadow.It isn't a shadow, said Lucy.Yes, it is, said Rollo.No, said Lucy; a shadow is dark, and this is bright.Yes, said Rollo, this is a bright shadow; some shadows are bright, and some aredark.O Rollo! said Lucy; and she turned away from him, a little out of humor.The truth was, that Rollo and Lucy were getting decidedly into a dispute. Fromthe sublime heights of practical astronomy, they had fallen, by a sad and very rapiddescent, to a childish altercation. Rollo had a very high idea of the superior facilitiesafforded by Jonas's barn floor for observing the daily changes in the sun's meridianaltitude, and he did not like the idea of Lucy's finding that she had equally goodopportunities for observation at her home. Lucy was a little fretted at Rollo'scaptious spirit; but then her mind soon became unruffled again, and she turnedback towards Rollo, and said, as they walked along the yard,I don't think the sunshine on the floor is a shadow, Rollo; but then I don't seewhy a shadow would not do, just as well.How? said Rollo.Why, look there at the shadow of that post,-that would do.She pointed to a post with a rounded top upon it, which stood by the side of thegarden gate. The shadow, clear, distinct, and well defined, was projected upon thewalk; and Lucy told Rollo that they might mark the place where the top of thatshadow came every day, and that that would do just as well.But how could we mark it? said Rollo. Less
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  • 6.00(w)x9.00(h)x0.21(d)
  • 102
  • CreateSpace Publishing
  • November 30, 2015
  • 9781519593474
Abbott was born at Hallowell, Maine to Jacob and Betsey Abbott. He graduated from Bowdoin College in 1820; studied at Andover Theological Seminary in 1821, 1822, and 1824; was tutor in 1824-1825, and ...
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