Authors | Petronius Arbiter
Petronius Arbiter
Gaius Petronius Arbiter (c. 27 – 66 AD) was a Roman courtier during the reign of Nero. He is generally believed to be the author of the Satyricon, a satirical novel believed to have been written during the Neronian era (54-68 AD). Tacitus, Plutarch ... Read more

Books by Petronius Arbiter

Cena Trimalchionis. Edited, with introd. and commentary by William E. Waters: by Petronius Arbiter
by Petronius Arbiter
Buhlschaften Und Liebesintriguen Der Römer Unter Der Regierung Des Kaisers Nero, Volume 2: by Petronius (arbiter)
by Petronius (arbiter)
Sämmtliche Werke: Bd. Briefe. 1. Bd., Bis Zur Italianischen Reise. 1904: by Petronius Arbiter
by Petronius Arbiter
Il Satirico: by Petronius Arbiter
by Petronius Arbiter
Le Satyricon Petronius Arbiter Author: by Petronius Arbiter
by Petronius Arbiter
The Satyricon: by Petronius Arbiter
by Petronius Arbiter
Begebenheiten des Enkolp: Aus dem Satyricon des Petron übersetzt. Zweyter Band.: by Petronius Arbiter
by Petronius Arbiter
Satire Di Tito Petronio Arbitro, Cavaliere Romano...: by Petronius Arbiter
by Petronius Arbiter
Bruchstücke Eines Sittenronames Aus Neros Zeit: Anhang, 43 Priapeische Lieder. Nach Bucheler's Texte Übersetst...: by Petronius Arbiter
by Petronius Arbiter
Begebenheiten Des Enkolp, Volume 1: by Petronius (arbiter)
by Petronius (arbiter)
Titi Petronii Arbitri: Satyricon Et Fragmenta: by Petronius Arbiter
by Petronius Arbiter
A Dictionary of the Book of Mormon Comprising Its Biographical, Geographical and Other Proper Names: by .. Petronius Arbiter
by .. Petronius Arbiter