Selected Essays
by VIRGINIA WOOLF 2021-02-02 01:05:05
''A good essay must draw its curtain round us, but it must be a curtain that shuts us in, not out.''According to Virginia Woolf, the goal of the essay ''is simply that it should give pleasure...It should lay us under a spell with its first word, and ... Read more
''A good essay must draw its curtain round us, but it must be a curtain that shuts us in, not out.''According to Virginia Woolf, the goal of the essay ''is simply that it should give pleasure...It should lay us under a spell with its first word, and we should only wake, refreshed, with its last.'' One of the best practitioners of the art she analysed so rewardingly, Woolf displayed her essay-writingskills across a wide range of subjects, with all the craftsmanship, substance, and rich allure of her novels. This selection brings together thirty of her best essays, including the famous ''Mr Bennett and Mrs Brown'', a clarion call for modern fiction. She discusses the arts of writing and ofreading, and the particular role and reputation of women writers. She writes movingly about her father and the art of biography, and of the London scene in the early decades of the twentieth century. Overall, these pieces are as indispensable to an understanding of this great writer as they areenchanting in their own right. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9780199556069
Adeline Virginia Woolf (25 Jan 1882 – 28 March 1941) was an English writer, considered one of the most important modernist 20th-century authors and a pioneer in the use of stream of consciousness as...
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