Six World Faiths
by W. Owen Cole
2021-01-01 10:14:33
It is now recognised that in a pluralistic world of which a multi-faith Britain is a part, it is important for everyone to understand the philosophies and practices of the world''s different faiths. Six World Faiths reflects the multi-faith nature o...
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It is now recognised that in a pluralistic world of which a multi-faith Britain is a part, it is important for everyone to understand the philosophies and practices of the world''s different faiths. Six World Faiths reflects the multi-faith nature of society in its authorship and thus presents an introduction to inter-religious understanding which will provide people working and living in a multi-racial society with the knowledge necessary to appreciate each other''s beliefs, practices and values. Under the co-ordination of Dr W. Cole, a founder member and past chairman of the Shap Working Party on World Religions in Education, six experts have each contributed chapters on his or her own religion.