Smart Phone Dumb Phone
by Allen Carr 2020-12-29 21:35:13
"The Allen Carr method has helped millions quit smoking. Now its experts are determined to tackle the UK's obsession with digital devices" - Daily Express "You'll be aware off how your devices affect you and most of all, you will enjoy the feeling of... Read more
"The Allen Carr method has helped millions quit smoking. Now its experts are determined to tackle the UK's obsession with digital devices" - Daily Express "You'll be aware off how your devices affect you and most of all, you will enjoy the feeling of regaining control" - Daily Mirror Do you pull out your phone at every idle moment? Do hours slip away as you mindlessly scroll? Has your smartphone added a level of detachment between you and the outside world? Sadly technology which should be a wonderful boon to us has started to blight our lives. The average adult spends nearly ten hours a day looking at digital screens, leading to unprecedented levels of stress, isolation, procrastination and inertia. The fact is that digital dependence is an addiction and should be treated as such. Allen Carr's Easyway is a breath of fresh air when it comes to addiction treatment. Tried and tested as an incredibly successful stop-smoking method, its principles have since been applied to other addictions such as alcohol, gambling and caffeine with outstanding results. Here, for the first time, the Easyway method has been used to overcome digital addiction, and it really works! Smart Phone Dumb Phone rewires our relationship to technology. By unravelling the brainwashing process behind our addictive behaviour, we are freed from dependence and can reassert control over our time and productivity. Including 20 practical steps to help you along your way, this wonderful guide will release you from the clutches of your smartphone and allow you to live in the moment. It truly is the easyway. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 8.27 X 5.83 X 0 in
  • 256
  • August 15, 2019
  • eng
  • 9781789509601
The common thread running through Allen Carr's work is the removal of fear - eliminating the phobias and anxieties which prevent people from being able to enjoy life to the full. Allen Carr's books in...
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