Spiritual Guidance Of The Individu
by Rudolf Steiner 2021-05-26 02:39:11
A second, wiser self guides us through life. Without it we would not go far, for it is what makes us human. In the first years of life -- before memory and ego -- it guides us to stand upright and to learn to speak and think. Then we exchange this wi... Read more
A second, wiser self guides us through life. Without it we would not go far, for it is what makes us human. In the first years of life -- before memory and ego -- it guides us to stand upright and to learn to speak and think. Then we exchange this wisdom, which is still connected to the spiritual hierarchies, for our ego-consciousness. Yet it remains ever-present and through meditation we can consciously connect to it Less
  • ISBN
  • 9780880103640
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