Star Thoughts
by Emanuel Swedenborg 2021-01-04 15:17:03
By God's grace humanity, the organism, is evolving on a very unstable rock. Humanity is a fragile organism evolving in an uncaring inorganic universe in a very narrow corridor of relative time. We have a tenuous stay here on Earth. I believe that hum... Read more
By God's grace humanity, the organism, is evolving on a very unstable rock. Humanity is a fragile organism evolving in an uncaring inorganic universe in a very narrow corridor of relative time. We have a tenuous stay here on Earth. I believe that humanity is the first intelligent organic life form in our young thirteen billion year old universe. I believe Humanity has been chosen to bring God's word in steps to the universe. The first step is to evolve into our solar system, Heaven. The second step is to evolve into our galaxy. The third step is to evolve into our universe. Humanity has entered into the twenty first century. It's time "we the people" take it upon ourselves to get ready for the big move, off of Earth. God will guide humanity. Do we want go the way of the dinosaur? Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781418450304
Emanuel Swedenborg (born Emanuel Swedberg; February 8, 1688–March 29, 1772) was a Swedish scientist, philosopher, Christian mystic, and theologian. Swedenborg had a prolific career as an inventor an...
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