Authors | Daniel Kahneman
Daniel Kahneman
Daniel Kahneman (born March 5, 1934) is an Israeli psychologist and economist notable for his work on the psychology of judgment and decision-making, as well as behavioral economics, for which he was awarded the 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic ... Read more

Books by Daniel Kahneman

Judgment under Uncertainty: by Daniel Kahneman
by Daniel Kahneman
Thinking, Fast and Slow: by Daniel Kahneman
by Daniel Kahneman
Choices, Values, and Frames: by Daniel Kahneman
by Daniel Kahneman
Judgement and Choice: by Daniel Kahneman
by Daniel Kahneman
Système 1, Système 2: by Daniel Kahneman
by Daniel Kahneman
Well-being: Foundations Of Hedonic Psychology: by Daniel Kahneman
by Daniel Kahneman
La Falsa Ilusión Del Éxito / Delusion Of Success: How Optimism Suffocates Executive Decisions: by Daniel Kahneman
by Daniel Kahneman
Noise: A Flaw In Human Judgment: by Daniel Kahneman
by Daniel Kahneman
Noise: A Flaw In Human Judgment: by Daniel Kahneman
by Daniel Kahneman