Histoire Des Voyages Et Découvertes Des Compagnons De Christophe Colomb, Suivie De L'histoire De Fernand Cortez Et De La Conquête: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Crayon Miscellany: Containing Abbotsford And Newstead Abbey; Volume 3: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Sketch Book by Washington Irving. Mit Anmerkungen zum Schulgebrauch, Erstes Bändchen: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Astoria, Oder, die Unternehmung Jenseit des Felsengebirges, Erster Band: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
historische hausbibliothek, sechzehnter Band: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Collected Supernatural and Weird Fiction of Washington Irving: Volume 1-Including One Novel 'a History of New York' and Nine S: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Collected Supernatural and Weird Fiction of Washington Irving: Volume 2-Including Three Novelettes 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollo: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Mahomet and His Successors Part 1: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Spanish Papers And Other Miscellanies: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Bracebridge Hall; Or, the Humourists, Volume 1: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Knickerbocker: Or, New-york Monthly Magazine, Volume 31: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
A History of New York: From the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty; Containing, Among Many Surprising: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Works of Washington Irving: Granada: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Vie De Mahomet: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Letters of Washington Irving to Henry Brevoort, Volume 1: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Knickerbocker; Or, New York Monthly Magazine, Volume 37: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
A history of New York, from the beginning of the world to the end of the Dutch dynasty: Being The Only Authentic History Of The Ti: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Works Of Washington Irving, Volume 35: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Handbuch Der Geschichte Der Malerei Seit Constantin Dem Grossen, ERSTER BAND: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Bracebridge Hall: Or, The Humorists, By Geoffrey Crayon: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Works Of Washington Irving, Volume 28: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Adventures Of Captain Bonneville [and] Bracebridge Hall: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Knickerbocker: Or, New-York Monthly Magazine, Volume 24: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Historia De La Vida Y Viajes De Cristóbal Colon, Volume 3: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Washington And His Country, Being Irving's Life Of Washington, Abridged For The Use Of Schools; With Introduction And Continuation: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Christmas Day: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Irving's works Volume 1: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Home Book of the Picturesque; or, American scenery, art, and literature. Comprising a series of essays by Washington Irving [a: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Works Of Washington Irving ...: The Adventures Of Captain Bonneville, U.s.a.: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Au Bord De La Tamise: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving