Tanglewood Tales, Illustrated Edition (Yesterday's Classics)
by NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE 2021-02-01 03:14:18
Sequel to A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys by master storyteller Nathaniel Hawthorne. Six more Greek myths retold by the fictional Eustace Bright to his enthusiastic throng of young listeners, namely The Minotaur, The Pygmies, The Dragon''s Teeth, Ci... Read more
Sequel to A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys by master storyteller Nathaniel Hawthorne. Six more Greek myths retold by the fictional Eustace Bright to his enthusiastic throng of young listeners, namely The Minotaur, The Pygmies, The Dragon''s Teeth, Circe''s Palace, The Pomegranate Seeds, and The Golden Fleece. Attractively illustrated by Willy Pogany. Suitable for ages 9 and up. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781599150918
Nathaniel Hawthorne was an American novelist, dark romantic, and short story writer. He was born in 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts to Nathaniel Hathorne and the former Elizabeth Clarke Manning. His ance...
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