Teambuilding with Teens: Activities For Leadership, Decision Making, And Group Success
by Mariam G. Macgregor
2021-05-28 00:08:16
Teambuilding with Teens: Activities For Leadership, Decision Making, And Group Success
by Mariam G. Macgregor
2021-05-28 00:08:16
Leadership isn't just for a chosen few. Strong team skills are essential in all kinds of settings, and all teens can practice skills and attitudes leaders use. The 36 activities in this book make learning about leadership a hands-on, active experi¬e...
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Leadership isn't just for a chosen few. Strong team skills are essential in all kinds of settings, and all teens can practice skills and attitudes leaders use. The 36 activities in this book make learning about leadership a hands-on, active experi¬ence. Kids are called on to recognize each other's strengths, become better listen¬ers, communicate clearly, identify their values, build trust, set goals, and more. Each activity takes 20-45 minutes, so adults have a lot of flexibility in deciding when and how to use them. May be used as a supplement to the author's "Building Everyday Leadership in All Teens "or on its own. The included CD-ROM (for Macintosh and Windows) features all of the reproducible forms from the book.