Technical Manual - The Blacksmith and the Welder - June 16, 1941
by Various 2021-01-16 17:21:45
This text contains a comprehensive treatise on blacksmithing and welding. Complete with detailed illustrations, helpful tips, and a wealth of useful information for the smith and welder, this text constitutes an invaluable reference tool for anyone o... Read more
This text contains a comprehensive treatise on blacksmithing and welding. Complete with detailed illustrations, helpful tips, and a wealth of useful information for the smith and welder, this text constitutes an invaluable reference tool for anyone occupied in the aforementioned practices, and constitutes a worthy addition to collections of antiquarian metalworking literature. The chapters of this book include: General, Blacksmithing, General, Forge, Anvil, Tools, Procedure of Forging, Heat Treating, Fires, Basic Shaping Operations, Calculation of Stock for Bent Shapes, Unit Forging Operations, Gas Welding and Cutting, General, Safety Precautions, Equipment, Acetylene, etcetera. This text was originally published in 1941, and is proudly republished now complete with a new introduction on metalworking. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781446503867
Book content is as a result of a concerted effort and can therefore not be attributed to one particular author....
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