The Captain's Dog
by Roland Smith
2020-12-29 06:33:33
Born the runt of his litter and gambled away to a rusty old riverman, the Newfoundland pup Seaman doesnât imagine his life will be marked by any kind of glory--beyond chasing down rats. But when he meets Captain Meriwether Lewis, Seaman finds hi...
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Born the runt of his litter and gambled away to a rusty old riverman, the Newfoundland pup Seaman doesnât imagine his life will be marked by any kind of glory--beyond chasing down rats. But when he meets Captain Meriwether Lewis, Seaman finds himself on a path that will make history. Lewis is just setting off on his landmark search for the Northwest Passage, and he takes Seaman along. Sharing the curiosity and strength of spirit of his new master, Seaman proves himself a valuable companion at every turn. Part history, part science--and adventure through and through--The Captainâs Dog is the carefully researched, thrilling tale of Americaâs greatest journey of discovery, as seen through the keen, compassionate eyes of a remarkable dog.