Authors | Emanuel Swedenborg
Emanuel Swedenborg
Emanuel Swedenborg (born Emanuel Swedberg; February 8, 1688–March 29, 1772) was a Swedish scientist, philosopher, Christian mystic, and theologian. Swedenborg had a prolific career as an inventor and scientist. At the age of fifty-six he entered in ... Read more

Books by Emanuel Swedenborg

Index to the Apocalypse Explained of Emanuel Swedenborg: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Arcana Coelestia: The Heavenly Arcana Which Are Contained In The Holy Scriptures Or Word Of The Lord Unfolded, Beginn: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Works, Volume 2: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Works, Volume 26: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The True Christian Religion: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The Heavenly Arcana Disclosed Which Are In The Sacred Scripture Or Word Of The Lord, Volume 19: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The Heavenly Arcana Disclosed Which Are In The Sacred Scripture Or Word Of The Lord, Volume 10: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Apocalypse Revealed: Wherein Are Disclosed The Arcana There Foretold, Which Have Hitherto Remained Concealed, Volume 1: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Vom Neuen Jerusalem Und Dessen Himmlichen Lehre: Nebst Einem Vorbericht Vom Neuen Himmel Und Der Neuen Erde: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Miscellaneous Theological Works: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
A Brief Exposition of the Doctrine of the New Church: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The Apocalypse Revealed, Wherein Are Disclosed the Arcana There Foretold Which Have Hitherto Remained Concealed; Volume 1: by Emanuel 1688-1772 Swedenborg
by Emanuel 1688-1772 Swedenborg
Arcana Caelestia, The Heavenly Arcana Contained in the Holy Scriptures or Word of the Lord Unfolded Beginning With the Bd. of Gene: by Emanuel 1688-1772 Swedenborg
by Emanuel 1688-1772 Swedenborg
De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus doctrina coelesti: Ex auditis e coelo. Quibus praemittitur aliquid de novo coelo [and] nova terra: by Emanuel 1688-1772 Swedenborg
by Emanuel 1688-1772 Swedenborg
Himmlische Geheimnisse, Welche In Der Heiligen Schrift Oder In Dem Worte Des Herrn Enthalten Und Nun Enthüllt Sind, vierzehnter Ba: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
[Works; Volume 23: by Emanuel 1688-1772 Swedenborg
by Emanuel 1688-1772 Swedenborg
Himmlische Geheimnisse, zwoelfter Band: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
De La Nouvelle Jérusalem Et De Sa Doctrine Céleste: D'après Ce Qu'en A Entendu Du Ciel Emanuel Baron De Swedenborg : Précédé D'une: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The New Jerusalem, and Its Heavenly Doctrine ..: by Emanuel 1688-1772 Swedenborg
by Emanuel 1688-1772 Swedenborg
[Works; Volume 13: by Emanuel 1688-1772 Swedenborg
by Emanuel 1688-1772 Swedenborg
The Soul: by Emanuel 1688-1772 Swedenborg
by Emanuel 1688-1772 Swedenborg
Apocalypse Explained; Volume II: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
True Christian Religion; Volume 2: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Arcana Coelestia; Volume 10: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Arcana Coelestia; Volume 2: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Abrégé Des Ouvrages De Swedenbog: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
1001 Christmas Facts and Fancies 1937: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Russian Folk Tales 1916: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The Four Leading Doctrines of the New Church, Signified by the New Jerusalem in the Revelation: Bein: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The Heavenly Arcana Contained In The Holy Scriptures Or Word Of The Lord Unfolded, Beginning With The Book Of Genesis - Together W: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg