Authors | Michio Kaku
Michio Kaku
Michio Kaku (born Jan 24, 1947) is an American theoretical physicist, futurist, and popularizer of science (science communicator). He is a professor of theoretical physics in the City College of New York and CUNY Graduate Center. Kaku is the author o ... Read more

Books by Michio Kaku

Physics of the Impossible: by Michio Kaku
by Michio Kaku
Visions: by Michio Kaku
by Michio Kaku
Hyperspace: by Michio Kaku
by Michio Kaku
The Best American Science Writing 2012: by Michio Kaku
by Michio Kaku
The Future of the Mind: by Michio Kaku
by Michio Kaku
The Future of Humanity: by Michio Kaku
by Michio Kaku
The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2020: by Michio Kaku
by Michio Kaku
Einstein's Cosmos: by Michio Kaku
by Michio Kaku
Beyond Einstein: The Cosmic Quest For The Theory Of The Universe: by Michio Kaku
by Michio Kaku
Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100: by Michio Kaku
by Michio Kaku
Parallel Worlds: A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos: by Michio Kaku
by Michio Kaku
Introduction to Superstrings and M-Theory: by Michio Kaku
by Michio Kaku
Strings, Conformal Fields, and M-Theory: STRINGS CONFORMAL FIELDS & M-T: by Michio Kaku
by Michio Kaku
La física del futuro: Cómo la ciencia determinará el destino de la humanidad y nuestra vida cotidiana en el siglo XXII Michio Kaku Author: by Michio Kaku
by Michio Kaku
The God Equation: The Quest for a Theory of Everything: by Michio Kaku
by Michio Kaku
The God Equation: The Quest for a Theory of Everything: by Michio Kaku
by Michio Kaku