The Good Wolf Frances Hodgson Burnett Frances Hodgson Burnett Author
by Frances Hodgson Burnett 2021-04-11 06:02:45
There was once a fat little, nice little, round little boy and his name was Tim. As soon as people looked at him they began to laugh and he began to laugh too. He had dimples on his knees and dimples on his hands and dimples all round his mouth. That... Read more
There was once a fat little, nice little, round little boy and his name was Tim. As soon as people looked at him they began to laugh and he began to laugh too. He had dimples on his knees and dimples on his hands and dimples all round his mouth. That was because Fairies liked him and used to kiss him whenever they flew past him, and they kissed him so much that they made dimples. He had alot of curly hair which made a lovely mop. In fact he was lovesome all over and no one ever denied it. But when he played about and he never stopped playing the wind blew his curly mop into tangles, and when he stood on his head on his bed or the grass or the nursery floor, that rubbed it into tangles; and when he was asleep and cuddled down into his pillows and dreamed delightful things, that ruffled it into tangles. So after he was dressed in the morning his mamma was obliged to brush them all out and comb out all the knots and make him look soft and fluffy and lovesome for the rest of... Less
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  • Print pages
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  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • 6.00(w)x9.00(h)x0.09(d)
  • 38
  • CreateSpace Publishing
  • November 26, 2016
  • 9781540644039
Frances Eliza Hodgson (Born in Cheetham Hill, Manchester, England, November 24, 1849 - October 29, 1924) was the daughter of ironmonger Edwin Hodgson, who died three years after her birth, and his wif...
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