Authors | George Andrew Reisner
George Andrew Reisner
George Andrew Reisner (November 5, 1867 – June 6, 1942) was an American archaeologist of Ancient Egypt, Nubia and Palestine.George Andrew Reisner was born in Indianapolis, Indiana. His parents were George Andrew Reisner I and Mary Elizabeth Mason ... Read more

Books by George Andrew Reisner

The Egyptian Conception of Immortality: The Ingersoll Lecture 1911: By George Andrew Reisner
By George Andrew Reisner
Tempelurkunden Aus Telloh; Mit Wörter- Und Namenverzeichniss: by George Andrew 1867-1942 Reisner
by George Andrew 1867-1942 Reisner
The Early Dynastic Cemeteries of Naga-ed-Dêr; Volume 1: by George Andrew Reisner
by George Andrew Reisner
The Egyptian Conception of Immortality - The Ingersoll Lecture 1911: by George Andrew Reisner
by George Andrew Reisner
The Egyptian Conception Of Immortality [microform]: by George Andrew Reisner
by George Andrew Reisner
The Hearst Medical Papyrus: Hieratic Text In 17 Facsimile Plates In Collotype, With Introduction And Vocabulary: by George Andrew Reisner
by George Andrew Reisner
Egyptian Conception of Immortality: The Ingersoll Lecture of 1911: by George Andrew Reisner
by George Andrew Reisner