The High Calling of Motherhood Chimene
by Shipley Dupler 2020-04-23 04:12:35
Does motherhood matter? Have we lost our sense of identity, especially through social media, which can pour both accolades and acid into our hearts and minds? Does our role as a mother have any lasting purpose? What about the hard stuff? Do we self-... Read more
Does motherhood matter? Have we lost our sense of identity, especially through social media, which can pour both accolades and acid into our hearts and minds? Does our role as a mother have any lasting purpose? What about the hard stuff? Do we self-medicate more than we self-motivate to fight for our families? If we don't have a sense of purpose, how will our children?Chimene Shipley Dupler believes you are created for more. You are created in the image of God. You have value, significance, and purpose. You are chosen! Chimene will challenge and inspire you. Motherhood can change the trajectory of a generation as we discover the authority that God has given mothers. Chimene desires to see mothers experience the joy that comes in the value and worth that God places on motherhood. Motherhood is a calling--a high calling from God. Chimene will equip you and give you tools for success. You are a difference maker. You are raising world changers. You are a mom! Less
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • Ambassador International
  • May 1, 2017
  • 2940157510596
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