Authors | John Dewey
John Dewey
John Dewey (October 20, 1859 – June 1, 1952) was an American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer whose ideas have been influential in education and social reform. Dewey is one of the primary figures associated with the philosophy of ... Read more

Books by John Dewey

Science, Technology, and Society: Voulume VIII: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
Letters From China And Japan: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
John Dewey: The Later Works, 1925-1953, Volume 5: 1929-1930: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
Conditions Among The Poles In The United States; Confidential Report: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
Psychology and Social Practice: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
Experience and Nature: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
Chance, Love, and Logic; Philosophical Essays: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
My Pedagogic Creed: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
Psychology - Scholar's Choice Edition: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
Moral Approbation: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
The Nature Of Obligation: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
The Place Of Intelligence In Conduct: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
The Place Of Habit In Conduct: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
The Place Of Impulse In Conduct: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
The Sources of a Science of Education: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
How We Think: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
Democracy and Education; an Introduction to the Philosophy of Education: by John 1859-1952 Dewey
by John 1859-1952 Dewey
Psicología del pensamiento: by John 1859-1952 Dewey
by John 1859-1952 Dewey
The Relation of Theory to Practice in the Education of Teachers; Volume pt. 1: by John 1859-1952 Dewey
by John 1859-1952 Dewey
Logic - The Theory of Inquiry: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
Characters And Events: Popular Essays In Social And Political Philosophy - Volume Ii: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
Way Out of Educational Confusion: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
Democracy And Education & Freedom And Culture: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
The Relation of Theory to Practice in the Education of Teachers Volume; Series 1: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
Interest As Related to Will: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
Human Nature and Conduct; an Introduction to Social Psychology: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
Study of Ethics, a Syllabus: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
Human Nature And Conduct - Scholar's Choice Edition: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
Ethical Principles Underlying Education: by John Dewey
by John Dewey
The Alexander-Dewey Arithmetic, Book 3: by John Dewey
by John Dewey